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In this video series, we have been talking about the “four C’s.” This term refers to the characteristics gemologists use to grade diamonds: cut, color, carat, and clarity. Today, we’ll talk about a diamond’s clarity and how it affects the jewel’s grading.

Natural diamonds are created from immense heat and pressure beneath the Earth’s surface. Certain environmental factors can cause imperfections, called “inclusions” or “blemishes” to the stones during their creation. Imperfections can range in visibility, from significant to unnoticeable.

Clarity refers to the absence of these imperfections. Almost all diamonds have them – truly perfect diamonds are incredibly rare. Very few jewelers come across them in their lifetimes.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has developed a system for grading diamond clarity. It considers the number, size, color, and location of inclusions. Only 20 percent of diamonds rank high enough to be used in jewelry; the rest are repurposed for industrial use.

Still, within the top 20 percent of diamonds, almost all contain noticeable inclusions. Typically, the fewer inclusions, the more valuable the diamond. Their rarity makes them unique and special. It is essential to find diamonds at a place like the Wedding Ring Shop, where we offer Hawaii’s Most Beautiful Diamonds.